Word | Type | Meaning |
Earnest | adjective | Very serious, sincere intent |
Eavesdrop | verb | Secretly listening to a conversation |
Ebb | verb | Gradually lessen, at a low ebb- in a poor or unhappy state of mind |
Ebullient | adjective | Cheerful and full of energy, enthusiastic, vivacious |
Eccentric | adjective | Unconventional and strange |
Eclectic | adjective | Deriving ideas or style from a wide range of sources |
Edgy | adjective | Tense, irritable |
Efface | verb | Make oneself appear inconspicuous, to wipe out |
Effrontery | noun | Insolence or impertinence |
Effusive | adjective | Expressing pleasure or approval in an unrestrained way |
Egocentric | adjective | Self centered, selfish |
Elan | noun | Energy and flair, spirited self assurance |
Elated | adjective | Very happy and excited |
Ellipsis | noun | The omission of words in speech or writing, a set of dots indicating this |
Eloquence | noun | Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing |
Elucidate | verb | To make something clear; explain, |
Elude | verb | Cleverly escape from or avoid, fail to be understood by, be unattainable by |
Emanate | verb | Issue from a source, to come forth |
Embattled | adjective | Beset by problems or difficulties |
Embittered | adjective | Bitter or resentful |
Eminence | noun | The quality of being distinguished and respected, an important person |
Emolument | noun | Salary or fee |
Empirical | adjective | Based on observation or experience rather than theory |
Emulate | verb | Try to equal or better than, surpass |
Encapsulate | verb | Enclose in or as if in a capsule, summarize |
Endeavour | verb | Try hard to achieve something, an attempt to achieve something, hard work |
Endorse | verb | Declare approval of sign a cheque on the back |
Enervate | verb | Cause to feel drained of energy |
Enigma | noun | A riddle, a mysterious person or thing |
Ennui | noun | Boredom, a feeling of weariness |
Enrapture | verb | Delight greatly |
Ensemble | noun | A group of performers a group of items viewed as a whole |
Enumerate | verb | mention item one by one |
Enunciate | verb | Pronounce clearly, state fluently |
Envisage | verb | See as a possibility, imagine |
Epitome | noun | A perfect example, |
Equivocal | adjective | Ambiguous, uncertain, doubtful |
Ergonomics | noun | The study of people's efficiency in their working environment |
Errant | adjective | Doing something wrong |
Erratic | adjective | Uneven, irregular |
Erstwhile | adjective | former |
Erudite | adjective | Very learned, scholarly |
Espouse | verb | Support or adopt a cause or way of life |
Estimable | adjective | Worthy of great respect |
Estranged | adjective | No longer close to or friendly with someone |
Et-al | abbreviation | And others |
Ethical | adjective | Of moral principles, morally correct, |
Etiquette | noun | The code of polite behavior in a society |
Euphemism | noun | A less direct word used instead of an offensive or unpleasant one |
Euphoria | noun | Excited happiness, a feeling of well being |
Evasive | adjective | Seeking to evade or avoid something |
Evince | verb | Show or indicate |
Exaggerate | verb | Make something seem greater than in reality |
Exasperate | verb | Greatly irritate |
Excerpt | noun | A short extract from a film, book or a piece of music |
Exemplary | adjective | Representing the best of its kind, serving as a warning, serving as a model or example |
Exhort | verb | Strongly urge to do something, to urge earnestly |
Exigency | noun | A situation calling for immediate action, a pressing need or demand |
Exonerate | verb | Declare free from blame, to prove guiltless |
Exorbitant | adjective | Going beyond what is reasonable or just, unreasonably high, |
Expedite | verb | Help or hasten the progress of |
Expend | verb | Spend or use up of resources |
Expletive | noun | A swear word, a rude word expressing anger |
Extol | verb | Praise enthusiastically, laud |
Extrinsic | adjective | Coming from outside |
Exuberant | adjective | Lively and cheerful |
Excision | noun | Cut out, pruning |
Excoriate | verb | To criticize severely, to denounce harshly |
Esoteric | adjective | Intended for or understood by only a few people with specialized knowledge, hard to understand |
Eschew | verb | Deliberately avoid doing |